WINET – Your wine network

Welcome! Join us in the largest network of wineries in the Black Sea Basin.
Find wineries, wines, get in touch, trade. Keep informed, register to our events!


WINET is a cross-border project including three participating countries from the Black Sea Basin: Republic of Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria.

WINET represents a common network that links over 175 producers, resellers, local/regional/national authorities, NGOs, business development agencies by inviting you to collaborate with these members for establishing viable business relationships.

WINET’s vision is based on a blend of classic networking and modern on-line technologies, in line with the current trends and supported by the wine sector development strategies within the participating countries, aiming to increase trade and exports worldwide.

Wine tours

You can use our maps to find and navigate to places of interest in the winemaking sector. You can also check out our tourist routes section in the blog.

Our wineries